Butterfly Symbol
Symbolic Meaning of the Butterfly
The colours and patterns on butterfly wings can be spectacular but also serve many purposes. Generally they help to protect the insect from harm, and help them to recognise potential mates of the same species. In some cases the bright colours discourage birds and predators from eating them because they do not taste very nice.
To many cultures the butterfly was a symbol of the soul, love, and rebirth.
Butterflies prove that you can go through a time of extreme darkness and come out of it even more beautiful.

Butterflies remind me that change isn't always easy, but it's worth it. ~ Anna Grace Taylor
The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings. ~ Plato
Butterfly Symbolism in Japan
In Japanese culture, a white butterfly symbolizes the personification of a human's soul.
In ancient Greek, the word butterfly means soul, or mind. After birth the soul travels through the journey of life, dies and is reborn.
In many older cultures the butterfly also symbolized rebirth, due to the butterfly being in a cocoon for a length of time and then awakening.
The butterfly also symbolizes luck to many people, if the butterfly lands on you it means good luck is coming your way.
To many cultures the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly is one of the greatest changes in the animal kingdom. This metamorphosis often symbolizes significant change in the course of someone's life, personality, or even their way of thinking.
The butterfly is the symbol of metamorphosis and transformation.
The symbol of new life, letting go of old cycles and finding your true inner expression.
The butterfly calls you to expand your awareness, spread your wings and call forth your inner joy.
Let go of limitations, and free yourself to express your own beauty within.
It is the time of spiritual transitions. Symbolic of moving from one phase of life to the next reaching higher, reaching outward, leaving the safety of the cocoon and finding your own place among the flowers of life.
Allowing the wind to carry you forward to your goals and dreams. A time of self-discovery rebirth. The butterfly shows you the beauty within.
Butterfly Symbolism in the Western World
In the western world the butterfly is a symbol of freedom, fun and good times. The butterfly also symbolizes being natural, and it signifies purity to people in the west.
Images of butterflies are often a popular choice for tattoos, especially for women, as they symbolize beauty and grace, freedom, femininity, and change and they are also delicate.
Butterfly Symbolism in China
In Chinese culture the butterfly symbolizes joy, happiness and prosperity and can also be a symbol of good luck. In their culture, they interpret two butterflies flying together as the symbol for love.
Butterfly Day is March 14th. Encourage these beautiful insects to come into your garden by putting out a sponge filled with sugar water or fruit slices.
Monarch Butterfly Symbols of Renewal

The Monarch butterfly is easily recognised by its bright orange, black and white coloration. The butterfly lays eggs which grow into caterpillars. As they grow they weave a silk cocoon which eventually reveals the mature butterfly. This transformation symbolizes renewal and rebirth.
Butterfly Symbolism in Christianity
In Christianity the Monarch butterfly symbolizes resurrection and transcendence.
Here are a couple of nice poems about butterflies. Below we include some pictures of butterflies that symbolize love, rebirth, and joy.
Pink Butterfly Symbolism

Where have those flowers and butterflies all gone
That science may have staked the future on?
He seems to say the reason why so much
Should come to nothing must be fairly faced.
~ Robert Frost
Blue Butterfly Symbolism

I've watched you now a full half-hour;
Self-poised upon that yellow flower
And, little Butterfly! Indeed
I know not if you sleep or feed.
How motionless! - not frozen seas
More motionless! and then
What joy awaits you, when the breeze
Hath found you out among the trees,
And calls you forth again!
~ W. Wordsworth

Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you
can go through a great deal of darkness
yet become something beautiful.
~ Beau Taplin

Butterfly Blessing
May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
and find your shoulder to light on,
to bring you luck, happiness and riches today,
tomorrow and beyond.

Butterflies cannot see their wings but the rest of the world can.