Tree Symbolism
Symbolic Meanings of Trees
For the longest time, trees have been planted around the world in many cultures in honor of an accomplishment or an important event like a graduation, wedding or the birth of a child.
A tree can also be planted as a memorial to honor the life of someone dear to you that has recently died. This kind of tree is a unique tribute to your loved one as well as a long term commitment to the environment. Memorial trees are symbolic of a new beginning.
There are different symbolic meanings for each type of tree. Below I have listed symbolic meanings for some types of trees, this includes planting them, and it applies to the tree even if it is already planted. Just having a certain kind of tree in your garden can have deep symbolic meaning in many cultures, consider this when choosing a tree or the next time you observe a certain species of tree.
Apple Tree Symbolism

Apple trees have been known to symbolize youth, beauty, joy, and magic.
The apple in the Garden of Eden is the symbol of temptation and of original sin.
Since the apple has symbolized immortality for many centuries, so do apple trees.
In Chinese mythology the apple is the symbol for peace and the apple blossom is a symbol of feminine beauty.
Ash Tree Symbolism
Ash trees have been known to symbolize sacrifice, and sensitivity such as higher awareness.
Bonsai Tree Symbolism

Bonsai is a Japanese art form using cultivation techniques to produce miniature replicas of trees found in nature.
Bonsai trees are known to symbolize love, balance, calm and peaceful harmony.
Feng Shui supports the addition of plants in the home and bonsai trees are said to bring luck when used in an office environment.
Cherry Tree Symbolism

The cherry tree is one of the first trees to bloom in spring and for this reason they symbolize new awakenings and rebirth.
Cherry trees are also considered a sign of fortune when in bloom.
They also symbolize love and romance.
Elm Tree Symbolism
The Elm tree symbolizes strength of will, and some say it symbolizes intuition and inner strength.
Fir Tree Symbolism

Fir trees are coniferous evergreens found in North and Central America, Europe, Asia and North Africa.
The Fir Tree is a symbol of spring, and eternal life.
The fir tree is used by many people in North America as a x-mas tree symbolizing Christ and everything related to Christmas.
Maple Tree Symbolism

The maple tree symbolizes balance, and usefulness. The reason they are associated with practicality is because they are very useful trees, they can be used for making syrup, and wood for building.
The Japanese maple is a favorite in Japanese landscape design. The Japanese maple symbolizes great blessings and peaceful retreat.
Oak Tree Symbolism
The oak tree with its expansive canopy is a symbol of power and courage.
Oak is one of the most sacred trees.
Palm Tree Symbolism
The palm tree mainly symbolizes peace. However in some parts of the world the palm tree symbolizes victory and fertility. In modern day society palm trees also symbolize vacations and the Carribean.
Willow Tree Symbolism

Willow Trees have long been known to symbolize both magic, and healing, some cultures also believe that they symbolize dreams.
In Egypt the leaves and bark of a willow tree was used as a cure for pains and fevers.
Native Americans also used Willow tree bark and leaves, because they contain an acid that is today known as aspirin.
In Asia mourning pieces were created in the 19th century and before, by women to symbolize and honor the death of someone. The mourning pieces included one or several mourners in dark clothing bending over a tombstone or urn with a willow tree.
The Symbolic Meaning of Wisteria

The Wisteria tree has impressive growth and can be seen decorating the front of buildings. It is very striking and comes in a variety of colors. More commonly it is blue or purple but it can also come in white or pink.
Due to the long life of the wisteria tree, upwards of 100 years, it has come to symbolize immortality and longevity.
Who can resist the intoxicating fragrance and hanging blooms of the magnificent wisteria tree.
If you are interested in viewing more pictures of trees, we encourage you to visit where you will see beautiful pictures and detailed information about different types of trees.
Be Like A Tree
Stay grounded, keep growing, and know when to let go.